

Provide a list of Linux local users required by the application


Each item of the list has the following attributes:

Name req? Description
login yes The user's name
comment no Description of the user's account
group no Set the user primary group.
groups no Puts the user in this comma-delimited list of groups..
system no Is this a System user. (Note this can't be changed after user creation).
Default: no
managed no Boolean: Does HADeploy manage this user?
If false, no action will be performed on it (except authorized_keys and can_sudo_to handling), but a failure will the triggered if it does not exists.
Default: yes
scope no On which host does this user will be created? May be:
  • A single host name
  • A single host_group name
  • Several hosts or host_groups, separated by the character ':'
Default: all
can_sudo_to no A comma separated list of account this user will be able to 'sudo' into. May also be 'ALL'. Note this will be applied even if managed == no.
create_home no Unless set to no, a home directory will be made for the user when the account is created or if the home directory does not exist.
Default: yes
password no Set the user's password to this crypted value.
no_remove no Boolean: Prevent this group to be removed when HADeploy will be used in REMOVE mode.
Default: no
authorized_keys no Provide a list of public key files, which will be added to this user account in its authorized_keys file. Note this will be applied even if managed==no.
If these public key file locations are not absolute, they will be relative to the HADeploy embedding file location.
when no Boolean. Allow conditional deployment of this item.
Default True


- login: broadapp
  comment: "Broadapp technical account"
  groups: "broadgroup"
  - keys/

- login: broaduser
  scope: control_nodes
  comment: "Broadapp user account"
  groups: "broadgroup",
  can_sudo_to: "hdfs, yarn"
  password: "$6$MySalt32$IrUOiWSpX.....8vkQfZgOslTQz.skFMhIWha.NLijJla/"


A method to generate the crypted form of a password:

python -c 'import crypt; print crypt.crypt("xxxxxx", "$6$MySalt32$")'