

Provide a list of files to be deployed on the cluster.


Each item of the list has the following attributes:

Name req? Description
src yes Source file, in the form <scheme>://..... See below for the possible scheme values.
scope yes On which target does this file be deployed? May be:
  • A single host name
  • A single host_group name
  • Several hosts or host_groups, separated by the character ':'
  • the hdfs token
dest_folder yes Target folder. Must exists
dest_name no The target file name.
Default: The basename of src
owner yes The owner of the file
group yes The group of the file
mode yes The permission of the file. Must be an octal representation embedded in a string (ie: "0755").
validate_certs no Boolean; In case of src: https://... Setting to false, will disable strict certificate checking, thus allowing self-signed certificate.
Default: yes
force_basic_auth no Boolean; In case of src: http://... or src: https://.... The underlying module only sends authentication information when a webservice responds to an initial request with a 401 status. Since some basic auth services do not properly send a 401, logins will fail. This option forces the sending of the Basic authentication header upon initial request.
url_username no String; In case of src: http://... or src: https://.... The username for use in HTTP basic authentication. This parameter can be used without url_password for sites that allow empty passwords.
url_password no String; In case of src: http://... or src: https://.... The password for use in HTTP basic authentication
no_remove no Boolean: Prevent this file to be removed when HADeploy will be used in REMOVE mode.
Default: no
notify no List of strings. Allow automatic restart of one or several background tasks if the file is modified.
Can refer to a systemd_unit, a supervisor_program or a storm_topology. See below
ranger_policy no Definition of Apache Ranger policy bound to this file.
Parameters are same as hdfs_ranger_policies items, excepts than paths should not be defined as automatically set to the file path, and the policy is not recursive by default.
Scope must be hdfs.
The policy name can be explicitly defined. Otherwise, a name will be generated as "_<targetPath>_".
See example below for more information.
when no Boolean. Allow conditional deployment of this item.
Default True

NB: src: must not reference a folder. To create a folder, use the folders definition and to copy a folder content, use the trees definition.


Name Description
file://... For fetching the file locally, from one of the folder provided by the local_files_folders: list.
file:///... For fetching the file locally, with a absolute path on the HADeploy node.
tmpl://... Source is a template, which will be processed by Ansible/Jinja2 mechanism. Template will be fetched locally, from one of the folders provided by the local_templates_folders: list.
tmpl:///... Same as above, except source template will be fetched from the HADeploy node with an absolute path.
http://... For fetching the file from a remote http server.
https://... For fetching the file from a remote https server.
node://<node>/... This mode is only relevant when scope is hdfs. It allows grabbing a file from one node of the cluster and pushes it to HDFS. Useful when, for example, some application require configuration files from client nodes to be pushed on HDFS.
Path must be absolute.
If kerberos is enabled on the cluster, a source host credential must be provide for the operation to be successful. See source_host_credentials definition is this reference part.
mvn://... For fetching file from a maven artifact repository. Must be in the form:
mvn://<mavenRepositoryName>/<groupId>/<artifactId>/<version>[/<classifier>[/<extension>]], where:
  • mavenRepositoryName is the name of the repository definition in the maven_repositories list
  • <groupId> is the artifact's group id.
  • <artifactId> is the artifact id.
  • <version> is the artifact version. Or latest.
  • <classifier> is an optional classifier, such as docs, sources, ... Default: empty (//)
  • <extension> is an optionnal extention. Default to jar


- src:
  scope: egde_nodes
  dest_folder: /opt/myapp
  owner: root
  group: root
  mode: "0644"
  validate_certs: no

- scope: hdfs
  src: "tmpl://pixo.cfg.j2" 
  dest_folder: "/apps/pixo/conf"
  dest_name: "pico.cfg"
  mode: "0000"
    - users:
      - pixo
      - read
      - write

Fectching from a public maven repository:

- name: maven2
  url: ""

- scope: egde_nodes
  src: "mvn://maven2/org.slf4j/slf4j-api/1.7.21"
  dest_folder: "/opt/myapp/lib" 
  owner: root
  group: root
  mode: "0644" 

Background tasks notifications

HADeploy is aimed not only to perform initial deployment, but also to cleverly propagate application modification.

in particular, file modification are only performed when needed. In some case, such modification need to trigger some other action, such as background process restart. This is the function of the notify attribute.

This notify attribute is a list of string where each item can be of one of three forms:

In the example below, the jar is shared by two topologies. If updated on the maven repository, it will be pulled on next deployment and the topologies will be automatically restarted.

- scope: egde_nodes
  src: "mvn://maven2/"
  dest_folder: "/opt/myapp/lib" 
  owner: root
  group: root
  mode: "0644" 
  - "storm://topo1"
  - "storm://topo2"