Execution order

The order of action performed on the target host does NOT depend of the order in the description file. Action order is the following:

Removal action order is the reverse.

Inside each action group, order is preserved. For example, with:

- { scope: en, path: /etc/broadapp, owner: root, group: root, mode: "0755" }
- { scope: en, path: /opt/broadapp, owner: root, group: root, mode: "0755" }

/etc/broadapp will be create before /opt/broadapp.

Same for variables. This is a single pass evaluation. So, obviously:

  app_version: "0.1.1"
  repository_server: "myserver.com"
  app_jar_url: "http://${repository_server}/repo/broadapp-${app_version}.jar"

Will be OK. While:

  app_jar_url: "http://${repository_server}/repo/broadapp-${app_version}.jar"
  app_version: "0.1.1"
  repository_server: "myserver.com"

Will fail, with a variable undefined error.

Plugin Priority

The order described above result from an ordering of the plugin execution.

To achieve this, internally, each plugin is granted with a priority for each action. And execution follow ascending order of priority.

Here are the values per plugin and action:

Plugin grooming deploy remove start stop status
header 1100 1100 1100 - - -
ansible_inventories 1200 1200 1200 - - -
inventory 1300 (3) 1300 1300 - - -
ansible 1400 (2) (2) - - -
users 2000 2000 7000 - - -
Nodes files & folders 3000 3000 4000 - - -
ranger 8000 (1) 3200 3700 - - -
hdfs files & folders 3500 (4) 3500 3500 - - -
Elastic 3700 3700 3200 - - -
hbase 4000 4000 3000 - - -
hive 4500 4500 2500 - - -
kafka 5000 5000 2000 - - -
Systemd 2500 (6) 6000 1800 5000 5000 5000
Supervisor 2510 (6) 7000 1600 6000 4000 5000
Storm 2520 (6) 7100 (5) 1500 (7) 6500 3500 5000
Yarn 2520 (6) 7050 (5) 1550 (7) 6400 3600 5000

NB: grooming is an internal action, performed on step 4 of the run

These priorities value are of interest if you insert some raw ansible playbooks or roles (Using ansible module) and want to control at which steps they will be executed.

(1): Ranger grooming must occurs after all ranger aware resources grooming

(2): Configured by the user in the deployment file

(3): Must be after ansible inventory, for host overriding

(4): Must be after files

(5): This plugin is involved in 'deploy' action only by files notification

(6): Must be before 'files', for notification handling

(7): Does not remove anything, but stop all running Storm topologies and/or Yarn services