Conditional deployment

Sometime, you want to skip a particular object creation, based on specifics condition.

It is quite easy to do with HADeploy, as most of the object declaration accept a when: attribute. If this boolean resolve to 'False', then the object creation will be skipped.

For example:

  isKerberos: true
- scope: all
  dest_folder: "/etc/security/keytabs"
  src: "${appUser}.keytab" 
  owner: "${appUser}"
  group: broadgroup
  mode: "0400"
  when: ${isKerberos}

Note than, as all variables, what is inside the ${...} delimiter is not limited to a single variable name, but is in fact a Jinja2 expression. So, it also could be, for example:

- scope: all
  when: ${isKerberos is defined and isKerberos}

Also, note the usefulness of the alternate variable notation for the 'flow style' notation.

- {  when: <<isKerberos>>, scope: all, dest_folder: "/etc/security/keytabs", src= "${appUser}.keytab" owner: "${appUser}", group: broadgroup, mode: "0400" }