

Provide a list of hosts describing the target cluster.


Each item of the list has the following attributes:

Name req? Description
name yes The host name. May be whatever you want. HADeploy will always refer to this host by this name.
force_setup no A common Ansible problem is when referencing host info for a host which has not being accessed, so there is no fact grabbed for it.
Setting this flag to yes will trigger an access to this host at the begining of the play.
Default: no
ssh_host yes How to reach this host using ssh from the HADeploy node. Typically the FQDN. May also be the IP address.
ssh_user yes This user account under which HADeploy will perform its operation. Typically root.
ssh_private_key_file no The path to the private key file granting no password access to this host. If this path is not absolute, it will be relative to the HADeploy embedding file location.
ssh_password no The password to provide to access this host. This may be encrypted. Refer to encrypted variables
ssh_extra_args no This setting is always appended to the default ssh command line.
ssh_port no The ssh port number, if not 22
ssh_common_args no This setting is always appended to the default command line for sftp, scp, and ssh. Useful to configure a ProxyCommand for a certain host (or group).
sftp_extra_args no This setting is always appended to the default sftp command line.
scp_extra_args no This setting is always appended to the default scp command line.
ssh_pipelining no Determines whether or not to use SSH pipelining.
ssh_executable no This setting overrides the default behavior to use the system ssh.
become no Allows to force privilege escalation
become_method no Allows to set privilege escalation method
become_user no Allows to set the user you become through privilege escalation
become_pass no Allows you to set the privilege escalation password. This may be encrypted. Refer to encrypted variables
become_exe no Allows you to set the executable for the escalation method selected
become_flags no Allows you to set the flags passed to the selected escalation method.
when no Boolean. Allow conditional deployment of this item.
Default True

If the user launching HADeploy have itself a private key granting access to all the hosts, there is no need to define ssh_private_key_file and ssh_password in any Ansible or HADeploy file.


- name: sr
  ssh_user: root
  ssh_private_key_file: "keys/build_key" 
  ssh_extra_args: "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"


If, when running HADeploy you encounter error like:

fatal: [dn1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'dict object' has no attribute 'ansible_fqdn'"}

it is most likely that you need to set force_setup on some host_group or host.