

Provide a list of host overriding values, to modify an existing inventory.

Typically used to patch an Ansible inventory (see ansible_inventory_file) with some new values


Each item of the list has the following attributes:

Name req? Description
name yes The name of the host to patch. Must be an existing host. Also may be 'all' or '*' to patch all hosts.
force_setup no A common Ansible problem is when referencing host info for a host which has not being accessed, so there is no fact grabbed for it.
Setting this flag to yes will trigger an access to this host at the begining of the play.
ssh_host no Allow to override ssh_host
ssh_user no Allow to override ssh_user
ssh_private_key_file no Allow to override ssh_private_key_file
ssh_password no Allow to override ssh_password. This may be encrypted. Refer to encrypted variables
ssh_port no Allow to override ssh_port
ssh_extra_args no Allow to override ssh_extra_args
ssh_common_args no Allow to override ssh_common_args
sftp_extra_args no Allow to override sftp_extra_args
scp_extra_args no Allow to override scp_extra_args
ssh_pipelining no Allow to override ssh_pipelining
ssh_executable no Allow to override ssh_executable
become no Allow to override become
become_method no Allow to override become_method
become_user no Allow to override become_user
become_pass no Allow to override become_pass. This may be encrypted. Refer to encrypted variables
become_exe no Allow to override become_exe
priority no An integer number allowing to order overriding in case of multiple host_override on the same host(s). See example below.
Default: 100
when no Boolean. Allow conditional deployment of this item.
Default True

To suppress an attribute, set it to empty string: ''


We want to address a VM built using Vagrant. For this, we can use the Vagrant generated ansible inventory. Such inventory instruct HADeploy to access the VM under the vagrantaccount. So, we need to instruct HADeploy to become rootin order to perform privileged operation.

- file: "../../iac/vgrvm1/.vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory"

- name: all
  become_user: root

Of course, this works because the vagrant account has been granted by vagrant with appropriate sudo rights.

This other example change the user for all HADeploy action for all hosts. And authenticate with a (encrypted) password instead of a key:

  deployer_password: |

- name: all
  ssh_user: deployer      
  ssh_password: "{{deployer_password}}"
  ssh_private_key_file: ''

Refer to encrypted variables for more information.


Here is an illustration of the priority attribute usage:

- name: all
  become_user: root


- name: all
  become_user: ''
  priority: 110

This will result with become_user not set.


- name: all
  become_user: root


- name: all
  become_user: ''
  priority: 90

Will result with become_user set to root. (Default value is 100, so the first one take precedence).

This feature may be usefull when building complex configuration by merging several inventory files.


If, when running HADeploy you encounter error like:

fatal: [dn1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'dict object' has no attribute 'ansible_fqdn'"}

it is most likely that you need to set force_setup on some host_group or host.