

Issuing some commands to specifics subsystem, such as HIVE require a quite complex client configuration.

To avoid this, HADeploy will not issue such command directly, but push the command on one of the cluster node, called ’Relay node'. An edge node of the cluster would typically assume this function.

hive_relay will define which host will be used to relay operations for HIVE, and also how these operations will be performed.

There should be only one entry of this type in the HADeploy definition file.


hive_relay is a map with the following attributes:

Name req? Description
host yes The host on which all hive commands will be pushed for execution. Must be a fully configured as HIVE client.
tools_folder no Folder used by HADeploy to install some tools for HIVE management.
Default: /tmp/hadeploy_<user>/ where user is the ssh_user defined for this relay host.
principal no A Kerberos principal allowing all HIVE related operations to be performed. See below
local_keytab_path no A local path to the associated keytab file. This path is relative to the embeding file. See below
relay_keytab_path no A path to the associated keytab file on the relay host. See below
become_user no A user account under which all database and table operations will be performed. Only used on non-Kerberos cluster. It will determine table ownership.
Note: The ssh_user defined for this relay host must have enough rights to switch to this become_user using the become_method below.
Default: No user switch, so the ssh_user defined for this relay host will be used.
become_method no The method used to swith to this user. Refer to the Ansible documentation on this parameter.
Default: Ansible default (sudo).
report_file no Local path for a report file which will be (re)generated on each run.
This YAML file describe all performed operation and eventually un-achievable operation. It could be a starting point for a more sophisticated database migration processing.
Under the hood, all HIVE operation are performed by a special tools: jdchive. You will find more information about the schema of this report file here
when no Boolean. Allow conditional deployment of this item.
Default True

Kerberos authentication

When principal and ..._keytab_path variables are defined, Kerberos authentication will be activated for all HIVE operations.

Regarding the keytab file, two cases:


  host: en1

With Kerberos activated:

  host: en1
  principal: hive_admin
  relay_keytab_path: /etc/security/keytabs/hive_admin.keytab